Nothing is impossible!
Как сообщается на блоге Xyo, Сугизо после успешного завершения своего азиатского турне в конце 2009 года и после съемок видео X JAPAN остается на некоторое время в ЛА, где будет работать над своими сольными проектами, несмотря на то, что группа приняла решение возвратиться в Японию...

Его работы 「MESSIAH」 и 「TELL ME WHY YOU HIDE THE TRUTH?」, которые были выпущен в декабре прошлого года заняли в рейтинге iTunes Electronic Sounds Charts 1 и 2 место и он продолжает работать над следующим своим проектом 「FATIMA」...

Интервью SUGIZO по поводу этого проекта ближайшее время будет выпущено на MusicJapan+ special features+!!!
А пока видео трейлер предстоящего интервью...

@темы: heath, hide, pata, blogs, video, sugizo, news, interview, x japan, toshi, yoshiki

Nothing is impossible!
Последние новости от (японский источник:

On Jan. 19th, X JAPAN leader YOSHIKI announced that TOSHI, the vocalist of X JAPAN who chose to concentrate on X JAPAN
and put an end to his solo career will have a Sayonara Concert on 02/24/10. The Concert will be produced by YOSHIKI,
and all of the members of X JAPAN will participating as of TOSHI's request. The venue is still unknown,
but will be announced soon along with the ticket dates.

YOSHIKI, on his mobile website "YOSHIKI mobile" stated that on the 14th, after the video shooting @ Los Angeles,
he had dinner with TOSHI and talked about what to come from now on. YOSHIKI saids
"TOSHI and I had so much things between us as a friend, and as a member of X JAPAN.
But still TOSHI and I have known each other since we were little kids.
I would like to support him from close distance and sometimes from a far distance."
Изложение той же новости от BXtE:

According to Nikkan Sports, TOSHI's solo sayonara live will be taking place on Feb 24th. They also report that the members of X JAPAN will be making an appearance, but no details have been revealed. Similarly no details about the venue or any other further details have been revealed yet. As soon as they do, we will let you know.

19 января, лидер X JAPAN Йошики объявил, что вокалист X JAPAN Тоши, который решил сосредоточиться на X JAPAN и положить конец своей сольной карьере, проведет прощальный сольный концерт 24.02.10. Концерт будет продюсировать Йошики, и все члены X JAPAN примут в нем участие, по просьбе Тоши. Место проведения пока неизвестно, но будет объявлено позже, вместе со сроками продажи билетов.

Йошики на мобильном сайте "YOSHIKI MOBILE" рассказал о том, что 14-го, после видеосъемки в Лос-Анджелесе, он обедал с Тоши и говорили о том, что будет дальше. Йошики сказал: "Между Тоши и мной было много всякого, как в качестве друзей, так и в качестве членов X JAPAN. Но все-таки мы с Тоши знаем друг друга с детства. Я бы хотел поддерживать его рядом, а порой и издалека".

@темы: blogs, news, x japan, toshi, yoshiki

Nothing is impossible!
На сразу после фото Иксов со съемок Jade появилось вот это...:)

Как говорится на том же месте, в тот же час....:):):)

@темы: heath, hide, pata, video, sugizo, x japan, toshi, yoshiki

Nothing is impossible!
Xyo, как всегда радует нас своими новостями. На этот раз ближайшее расписание выступлений Ra:IN

Подробнее о Ra:IN Live смотри здесь

Вот эти мне особенно нравится:

2010.1.31 (Sun)
Tetsu's Birthday Special Live - Yokohama

FLYING CAT presents
На одной сцене сразу 3 такие группы:

А здесь Ra:IN играют вместе с THE STREET BEATS (группой, которая участвовала в записи саундтрека и главной темы в Crows Zero):

А чуть раньше у Xyo на блоге сообщалось, что PATA & Ra:IN собираются в ближайшем будущем покорить Латинскую Америку....
Колумбы наши...:):):)

@темы: pata, news, x japan

Nothing is impossible.© The sky’s limit. Your sky. Your limit.©
Благодарность BXtE за изложение информации из японских источников о сегодняшней пресс-конференции Тоши!

Тоши подтвердил все, сказанное вчера в блоге
Йошики сказал: «я тебе помогу»
Тоши прекращает сольную деятельность, в том числе с TOSHI with T-EARTH, которая будет распущена. Но Йошики поможет ему провести концерт «Прощальное Соло»
в ЛА к Тоши вернулся голос

TOSHI divorce confirmed; YOSHIKI to produce Solo Sayonara live
Jan. 18th 2010

In a press conference held together with his lawyer in Tokyo on January 18th, TOSHI confirmed his intention, already published in his MIXI blog from the 17th, to divorce Kaori Moritani as his wife, after having left Masaya led Home of Heart.

Regarding Ms Moritani and Masaya, he said he was not in a position to say whether they have had an affair, but that "fact is that they have been living together for the past 10 years in Suga, Atsugi prefecture."

He stated that he had initiated divorce proceedings in the middle of December last year, but that Ms Moritani was opposing. (His lawyer gave December 19th [incidentally, the day TOSHI's Cristmas concerts with T-EARTH and Wanku had originally been announced for - Ed] as the date the divorce papers had been delivered.)

Asked if he had any intention to try to repair his matrimonial relationship with Ms Moritani TOSHI made it clear that he absolutely did not. He added again that they only had been acting the happily married couple, and that he himself had had no choice but to go along.

In answer to a question how he felt about people that might have joined Home of Heart because he was in it, he said that if anyone did, he was offering them his sincerest apologies, again adding that during the years he was associted with the group he had no choice but to follow directions.

He also clarified that he had had completely broken with Home of Heart and left the accommondation where he had lived the last 10 years, as that was obeserved by Home of Heart and was living somewhere else now.

While his lawyer - whom it was stated TOSHI consulted as far back as last Ocotber already - confirmed information also already published on the blog, adding that TOSHI's personal loss exceeded 100 million yen (over ?750,000 or over $1,000,000), TOSHI himself called on Masaya and Moritani to "return the hard earned money" of all their victims to them.

He further explained that suddenly being unable to sing after getting sick with intercostal neuralgia due to overwork - as he finally reported on his ameblo blog in November - he for the first time had time to think about what he was doing and came to the conclusion something was wrong, and after talking with friends, decided he wanted to change his life.

Talking about the LA PV shooting, he said he had really been unable to sing and that for the LA PV shooting the plan had been to use recordings all the way, but his doctors had told him that "if you feel you can shout, shout," and when he tried to do that during the shooting, his voice suddenly was back.

Asked about YOSHIKI, he said, in tears, that "I talked on the phone with him today; and he [had] told me [already; earlier in LA - Ed] 'I'll help you. Let's get through this together.'" which he said made him realize that a/the "friend one has to have, is one's old[est] friend."

He finally announced that he would cease all solo activities, including Masaya produced TOSHI with T-EARTH, which will dissolve, but will give a Solo Sayonara live that YOSHIKI will produce.
японские источники (часть):

@темы: news, toshi, article


Nothing is impossible.© The sky’s limit. Your sky. Your limit.©
Сегодня (или вчера) Тоши написал в mixi-версии дневника большой пост.
Ссылка для тех, кто зарегистрирован в микси -
спасибо Boku no Gisho за пересказ-перевод от XJFP и еще одну ссылку на англ. пересказ в жж. Все тут, в комментах -
+ полный английский перевод на BXtE -

Саммари (с помощью английских переводов):

Тоши хочет быть честным и объяснить все сам, т.к. все СМИ написали о его разводе.

1. Все, что он зарабатывал за 12 лет уходило в Home of Heart (ХОХ) и Healing World, он не получал не копейки.
Доходы от гастролей, шоу, в том числе от концертов X Japan он также не получал, кроме законно причитающихся выплат.
Он жил благодаря помощи друзей и знакомых. Когда он недавно заболел, то полностью зависел от помощи знакомых.

2. Тоши не управлял своим офисом, хотя являлся его акционером и сопредседателем. Все доходы офиса Тоши, который является частью ХОХ, поступали жене, Каори, а на Тоши списывались кредиты и большие налоги. Он только теперь узнал об этом.
12 лет назад, когда Тоши болел (что-то с сердцем), он встретил Масайю и Каори, которые помогли ему, и он чувствовал себя обязанным.
Это чувство, отчасти, привело его к моральному и физическому истощению.

3. С Каори они не живут вместе около 10 лет. Он живет в Токио (один, в небольшой квартире), она - в префектуре Точиги, там где находится ХОХ, с Масайей.
Недавно Тоши подал на развод.
Он был вынужден работать с Каори как дуэт, вынужден был терпеть, что она писала в блоге ложь о гармонии их отношений.
Эта жизнь во лжи также способствовала его в плохому состоянию.

4. О судебных заседаниях.
Тоши из-за постоянной занятости был всего 1 раз в офисе ХОХ и несколько раз в своем офисе. Он не мог знать, что там происходит, и не знал сути обвинений в суде. Но из-за своего громкого имени становился центром всех скандалов, с этим связанных.

5. О нынешнем положении
Тоши ходатайствовал о принудительном банкротстве и был объявлен банкротом.
Во время этой процедуры, он надеется узнать правду о денежных потоках. Он доверяет государству, и собирается добровольно сотрудничать.

Он говорит, что сейчас чувствует себя очнувшимся.
Стресс от невозможности говорить правду, делал его больным.

Он говорит, что его слова, действия, блоги до сих пор были против его воли, и он просит прощения за это.

Эти два с половиной месяца за 44 года стоили больше, чем вся его жизнь.
Он решает начать жизнь заново, расставив приоритеты.
Он говорит, что теперь будет жить скромно и честно.
И благодарит всех, кто поддерживает его.



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                      2010年1月17日 TOSHI 

@темы: blogs, news, toshi

Nothing is impossible!
Суги оставил новый пост на своем оф-сайте, в котором прокомментирован недавние события в ЛА...
Он полон энтузиазма и веры в то, что X Japan с этого момента продолжит свой путь вперед....


@темы: heath, hide, pata, blogs, sugizo, news, x japan, toshi, yoshiki


But for him, his existence, the very fact that he is living, is like a promise. (с) Gackt
「X JAPAN」TOSHI 元アイドル妻と離婚へ

много текста на японском

X Japan's Toshi on the verge of divorce
X JAPAN vocalist TOSHI (44) is reportedly headed for divorce. He and his wife Kaori (40) are said to be entering arbitration, however, as Kaori has not consented to the divorce.

Kaori, a former idol who is currently a singer under the name WANKU, married TOSHI in 1997. For a time, she left show business to work as part of TOSHI's personal management office.

Shortly after TOSHI left X JAPAN in April 1997, he and Kaori met and became involved with the musician MASAYA, who had started a musical movement known as "iyashi-kei" (or "healing music"), along with self-development seminars under an organization called Home of Heart. The following year, TOSHI began receiving pressure from family and fans to leave Home of Heart, which some had labeled as a cult.

After much conflict, and the reunion of X JAPAN in 2008, TOSHI finally decided to break off from MASAYA and Home of Heart. At the same time, he also made his decision to separate from Kaori.

When reached for comment, Kaori denied that they are entering divorce arbitration. TOSHI's lawyer said that he could not comment due to confidentiality, but an explanation may come early next week.

@настроение: O_O

@темы: toshi, article, magazine

Nothing is impossible!
В разделе новостей musicJAPANplus появилось сообщение:

[event][Dt] X JAPAN to Conquer the West as a Band of 6 and YOSHIKI Moved Deeply

Just recently X JAPAN have been filming their footage for their 5 song videos totaling and amount of 500.000.000 Yen in expense, in Los Angeles, California, USA.

The stage was set to the 13th death anniversary of guitarist HIDE, with his guitar set up and YOSHIKI said [Today, HIDE has been with us the whole time.] As "6 members" of the band the filming had been taking place in the center of Hollywood, making a dream come true like that. [I am moved for the sake of TOSHI, as well as for HIDE. It is like a drama. Only the scenes and the measures are different.] YOSHIKI stated as the tears on his cheeks reflected a million different emotions.

The shoot, which took place from January 6th to the 14th, was made for the new song "Jade", which is also connected to the "revival of "Kurenai", somewhat of a new song in a wider perspective as well." These songs were followed by "Rusty Nail", "ENDLESS RAIN" and "I.V.".

YOSHIKI, who is an avid fan of Loas Angeles explained deeply moved: „In elementary school, when TOSHI and I founded our band, we played for the first time at the Chiba-Ken City Center. This has been such a long time, and now we are in Hollywood. There are certain aesthetics of the moment, as well as there are in the continuation of things." To perform in Hollywood had also been a dream of HIDE and YOSHIKI emphasized "X JAPAN are not 5 people, we are 6 now." And hot tears could be seen, spilling from his eyes.

Just recently X JAPAN have been filming their footage for their 5 song videos totaling and amount of 500.000.000 Yen in expense, in Los Angeles, California, USA.

The stage was set to the 13th death anniversary of guitarist HIDE, with his guitar set up and YOSHIKI said [Today, HIDE has been with us the whole time.] As "6 members" of the band the filming had been taking place in the center of Hollywood, making a dream come true like that. [I am moved for the sake of TOSHI, as well as for HIDE. It is like a drama. Only the scenes and the measures are different.] YOSHIKI stated as the tears on his cheeks reflected a million different emotions.

The shoot, which took place from January 6th to the 14th, was made for the new song "Jade", which is also connected to the "revival of "Kurenai", somewhat of a new song in a wider perspective as well." These songs were followed by "Rusty Nail", "ENDLESS RAIN" and "I.V.".

YOSHIKI, who is an avid fan of Loas Angeles explained deeply moved: „In elementary school, when TOSHI and I founded our band, we played for the first time at the Chiba-Ken City Center. This has been such a long time, and now we are in Hollywood. There are certain aesthetics of the moment, as well as there are in the continuation of things." To perform in Hollywood had also been a dream of HIDE and YOSHIKI emphasized "X JAPAN are not 5 people, we are 6 now." And hot tears could be seen, spilling from his eyes.

Внимательно читаем последний абзац....

@темы: heath, hide, pata, sugizo, news, x japan, toshi, yoshiki, article


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But for him, his existence, the very fact that he is living, is like a promise. (с) Gackt
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Nothing is impossible.© The sky’s limit. Your sky. Your limit.©

Американский взгляд на X Japan и Йошики, и немного о съемках JADE в Лос-Анжелесском театре.


@темы: x japan, yoshiki, article

Life's a journey, not a destination.
Полная версия песни (за исключением немного обрезанного фортепианного соло):

@темы: heath, hide, pata, video, sugizo, news, x japan, toshi, yoshiki

Nothing is impossible.© The sky’s limit. Your sky. Your limit.©
Кажется, эту ссылку ниже не выкладывали

Очень высокого качества видео, на уровне площадки. Канал zerolyrics@YouTube

2010.01.09 X Japan MV Shooting in Hollywood

@темы: video, x japan


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But for him, his existence, the very fact that he is living, is like a promise. (с) Gackt
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра

Life's a journey, not a destination.
Инфа от X JAPAN FAN PAGE :inlove:

Комментарии Йошики прессе в Лос-Анджелесе:

"When I played Endless Rain seeing downtown, I was so moved and shed tears."

"I've been through very hard time to arrive here. A relationship with Toshi*, a relationship with hide...I'm so moved after many many things." Then he wiped his tears.

"Fans spread into all over the world. They send photo albums from Russia or Germany. It's like a dream."
"Поклонники распростанились по всему миру. Они присылают фотоальбомы из России и Германии. Это похоже на мечту."


Японский оригинал отсюда:


@темы: fanstuff, news, interview, yoshiki

Nothing is impossible.© The sky’s limit. Your sky. Your limit.©
Орикон, BARKS -,, много новых фото.

- Йошики дал интервью в своем доме в ЛА
- На съемки потрачено 500 млн. йен
- 12-14 января пройдут съемки видео Kurenai
- В съемках участвовало около 8000 зрителей, было привлечено около 800 сотрудников стаффа и около 100 полицейских и пожарных.
- Несколько новостных сайтов отметили что X JAPAN получили предложение играть на Lollapalooza - ежегодном рок-фестиваль в Чикаго, который состоится 6 ~ 8 августа 2010 г.

@темы: pictures, news, x japan

Nothing is impossible!
Немного не в тему, но все-таки пока не забылось..

Тоши дал интервью beatz UK
Это сайт электронного журнала о японской музыки, который выходит в Великобритании.
Интервью официально было опубликовано сегодня.

INTERVIEW: TOSHI (X-Japan, Toshi with T-Earth)

За информацию благодарим

@темы: news, interview, x japan, toshi

Nothing is impossible!
Yoshiki talking to the crowd (X JAPAN in Hollywood)

Yoshiki talking to the crowd 2 (X JAPAN in Hollywood)

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official : from X Japan crews@ Joel Benneton

@темы: heath, hide, pata, video, sugizo, news, x japan, toshi, yoshiki


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Nothing is impossible.© The sky’s limit. Your sky. Your limit.©
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Nothing is impossible.© The sky’s limit. Your sky. Your limit.©
Тоооши, такой забавный)))

...загадочное фото...

XDDDD Элвис вернулся :lol:

@темы: pictures, x japan