Nothing is impossible.© The sky’s limit. Your sky. Your limit.©
Today, the first ToshI-CLUB Meeting was held at The Ritz-Carlton that is a really gorgeous hotel located in the middle of Tokyo.
Most of participants were women and many of them were dressed up though some guys were wearing casual clothes like jeans.
I had expected that it would be a sit-down style show because I felt the venue was so gorgeous and formal, however it was standing style like a club.
At first, the MC woman called names of 20 winners who could luckily get a present from ToshI.
I couldn't get it unfortunately... Sad
Then she introduced ToshI's new album that contains 4 new songs.
It seems a DVD that contains "Amaoto" recorded at his Sayonara Concert in February and some back stage shots is attached.
Also, it seems a large size photo book with his essays is attached as well.
It was announced that the album is going to be sold on his website this month and delivered to purchasers early next month.
After that, ToshI finally appeared!!
There were a lot of people in front of me and I'm not so tall, so I could sometimes see a part of his face between people's heads.
He talked about the new album, then sang a song from it called "Hoshizora no Neptune".
It was a really beautiful song and ToshI's voice was sooooo amazing and perfect!!
He also said that a DVD that contains a whole show of his Sayonara Concert might be released.
Then a special guest Heath came, they talked about the pv shooting in LA in January, ToshI's Sayonara Concert, their new song "Born to be free", and others.
Their talking was so fun, so we laughed a lot Cheesy
After Heath left, ToshI talked about a new project performed by ToshI and Yoshiki.
It seems they have already started recording for it.
He talked about a song called "Crystal piano no kimi e" that was made by himself.
He told that it's a song in which he expressed his feelings that he felt when he broke up with Yoshiki and reunite with him, and when he let people out of Japan listen to this song, they all cried even though they didn't understand Japanese lyrics.
I already almost cried when hearing the title because "Crystal piano no kimi" means definitely Yoshiki and it felt so deep.
After he started singing this song, I couldn't stop my tears and cried a lot....., it was so moving and touching.....
Even now, it brings a tear to my eye.... Cry
I thought I was so happy to listen to this song live.
After ToshI left once, we shouted "Encore! Encore!", then he appeared again... with Yoshiki!!
People got more excited and moved forward.
They talked for a little while, then performed a part of "Rose of Pain", "I.V." and "Forever Love".
Unfortunately I couldn't see Yoshiki playing piano, but their performance was so exciting and amazing!!
I was so impressed and almost took on an absent-mindness….
Today, the first ToshI-CLUB Meeting was held at The Ritz-Carlton that is a really gorgeous hotel located in the middle of Tokyo.
Most of participants were women and many of them were dressed up though some guys were wearing casual clothes like jeans.
I had expected that it would be a sit-down style show because I felt the venue was so gorgeous and formal, however it was standing style like a club.
At first, the MC woman called names of 20 winners who could luckily get a present from ToshI.
I couldn't get it unfortunately... Sad
Then she introduced ToshI's new album that contains 4 new songs.
It seems a DVD that contains "Amaoto" recorded at his Sayonara Concert in February and some back stage shots is attached.
Also, it seems a large size photo book with his essays is attached as well.
It was announced that the album is going to be sold on his website this month and delivered to purchasers early next month.
After that, ToshI finally appeared!!
There were a lot of people in front of me and I'm not so tall, so I could sometimes see a part of his face between people's heads.
He talked about the new album, then sang a song from it called "Hoshizora no Neptune".
It was a really beautiful song and ToshI's voice was sooooo amazing and perfect!!
He also said that a DVD that contains a whole show of his Sayonara Concert might be released.
Then a special guest Heath came, they talked about the pv shooting in LA in January, ToshI's Sayonara Concert, their new song "Born to be free", and others.
Their talking was so fun, so we laughed a lot Cheesy
After Heath left, ToshI talked about a new project performed by ToshI and Yoshiki.
It seems they have already started recording for it.
He talked about a song called "Crystal piano no kimi e" that was made by himself.
He told that it's a song in which he expressed his feelings that he felt when he broke up with Yoshiki and reunite with him, and when he let people out of Japan listen to this song, they all cried even though they didn't understand Japanese lyrics.
I already almost cried when hearing the title because "Crystal piano no kimi" means definitely Yoshiki and it felt so deep.
After he started singing this song, I couldn't stop my tears and cried a lot....., it was so moving and touching.....
Even now, it brings a tear to my eye.... Cry
I thought I was so happy to listen to this song live.
After ToshI left once, we shouted "Encore! Encore!", then he appeared again... with Yoshiki!!
People got more excited and moved forward.
They talked for a little while, then performed a part of "Rose of Pain", "I.V." and "Forever Love".
Unfortunately I couldn't see Yoshiki playing piano, but their performance was so exciting and amazing!!
I was so impressed and almost took on an absent-mindness….
Хотелось бы послушать Crystal piano no kimi e...
1. я видимо как-то не так понимал смысл прощального концерта, я думал, что Тоши закругляется с сольной карьерой
2. а ещё я не понял, зачем им этот проект, когда всё то же самое можно делать и в рамках X-Japan, для коих бы новая песня в репертуаре не была бы лишней
s o n n y спасибо) будем ждать, когда появится видео с новой песней*_*
еще бы! представляю, как она хороша, если все плакали. Надеюсь, скоро услышим...
Да, она должно быть прекрасна... Эх, я не выдержу, не дотерплю до того момента, когда можно будет её услышать...
Насколько я понимаю, это не будет сольный проект Тоши, это будет проект Тоши и Йошики. Я рада этому. Что плохого, если они запишут несколько лирических песен в стиле сольного творчества Тоши, а не в стиле X Japan...
простите мне мою тупость==спасибо! потрясающие новости...
ь Crystal piano no kimi e... так хочется ее услышать..
И я рада, что выйдет Тошин Sayonara Concert
Мне понравилось, что и Хис был с ними и явно был в ударе рассказывая о съемках в ЛА... Он так мало появляется на публике кроме своего фан-клуба...
Kodoku no Ookami
Не знаю, права я или нет, но мне кажется, что Тоши будет продолжать свою сольную карьеру несколько в ином качестве...
Теперь он намерен, как я понимаю, исполнять только песни написанные полностью им самим... Раньше его сольный репертуар содержал, в подавляющем большинстве, песни, написанные для него другими авторами... Музыку, в первую очередь, для него писали другие... Тоши же был только исполнителем...
Что касается, делать тоже самое в рамках Иксов, то это не совсем то..
Все Иксы очень талантливы в своем сольном творчестве и у каждого из них свой особый стиль и почерк...
У X Japan, как у группы, также есть ярко выраженный свой стиль... Это не всегда совпадает...
Стиль группы это результат их совместного творчества... Нельзя набрать композиции, написанные любым из ее участников и не переработав, включить , например, в один альбом.. Это будут не Иксы, а сборник VA...
я может быть даже больше чем услышать, хочу увидеть текст этой песни)
а вообще Тоши что-то на лирику в отношении Йо последнее время тянет.... *вспомнила тот текст из буклета больше похожий на фанфик...*
у каждого из них свой особый стиль и почерк... У X Japan, как у группы, также есть ярко выраженный свой стиль... Это не всегда совпадает...
у них у всех есть сольное творчество и в этом нет ничего плохого.
Boku no Gisho или Тоши всё не может нарадоваться, что у него спустя столько лет наконец-то появился настоящий друг, который его понимает, или я даже не знаю, откуда в нём столько любвеобильности в отношении Йо)) ну, это трогательно, во всяком случае) интересно, что же у этой песни за текст...
да... и я очень хочу надееться, что это трогательность распространяется не только на словах, но Тоши,
пусть и рискуя при этом своей жизнью,все таки пытается немного привлечь Хаяши к ответственному отношению к собственному здоровью. Хотя и не думаю, что шансов на это много. *мягко выражаясь*К тому же сам Хаяши не раз говорил, что он заботится о своем здоровье, по-крайней мере старается, да...Появился ещё один небольшой отчёт. За него спасибо Keiko Hamaguchi
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сама смогу вникнуть в суть только утром... точнее днём+_+
спасибо за отчет)))
Тут без комментариев... Ещё больше хочу эту песню услышать...
Kodoku no Ookami
скорее всего да... японки выложили только антураж, сфотографированный до начала: