It has been determined by multiple doctors that YOSHIKI of X JAPAN will undergo an emergency cervical artificial disc replacement surgery on Tuesday, May 16 in Los Angeles.
As a result of YOSHIKI’s intense drumming style and the impact it has had on his physical health, he was diagnosed with cervical foraminal stenosis in July 2009, and then underwent a cervical laminectomy and a cervical foraminotomy. After suffering from a herniated disc that has worsened over the past six months, YOSHIKI has experienced symptoms including numbness and severe paralysis of the left hand and arm, which have since been affecting his musical performances. Upon receiving a complete examination by his doctors in both Japan and the U.S., YOSHIKI was diagnosed with cervical foraminal stenosis (radiculopathy of the left arm and herniation of intervertebral disc C5-C6). After thorough consultation, YOSHIKI has no choice but to undergo surgery at this time.
YOSHIKI has been informed by a neurosurgeon in Japan that his neck has experienced severe damage that would force a professional rugby player to retire. It has been medically determined that he is approaching his limit, both physically and mentally. The intensive schedule has taken its toll on his already damaged nervous system. With performances at Visual Japan Summit Festival, Yoshiki Classical Special in Japan, Hong Kong, Carnegie Hall in New York and Wembley Arena in London, he has continued to play around the world with X JAPAN and solo. In addition to adopting an intensive travel schedule to over 20 film festivals globally to promote the documentary WE ARE X, contributed to his health condition.
日本の医師からは、今のYOSHIKIの首の状態は、まるで引退を余儀なくされたラグビー選手のような強烈なダメージの受け方であり、肉体的にも精神的にも限界がきているのではないかと告げられました。尋常ではないスケジュールをこなしていたため、神経系統の機能も含め、さらに症状が悪化したと思われます。去年のVisual Japan Summitでのパフォーマンスや日本・香港のYoshiki Classical Specialツアー、今年の米カーネギーホール公演、そして 英ウェンブリーアリーナ公演など立て続けにパフォーマンスが続いていました。さらに他のメンバーの体調も考慮しながら一人でX JAPAN及び映画”We Are X”のプロモーション活動を行い、20以上にも及んだ各国映画祭への参加なども現在の病状に影響を及ぼしたようです 。
“I had the pleasure of seeing Yoshiki, who has a C5-6 disc herniation with left arm radiculopathy. He has been recommended to have a cervical artificial disc replacement.” explains Neel Anand, M.D., YOSHIKI’s Orthopedic Spine surgeon in the U.S.
Dr. Tommy Tomizawa, M.D., adds “It was decided upon consultation that he will undergo emergency surgery as the condition of his neck at present will interfere not only with his career as an artist, but also with everyday life. From viewing the results of the MRI and CT scans, the damage is so severe that it is apparent that he has experienced considerable pain while performing. As this would be his second such procedure, we eliminated the option of a cervical foraminotomy, an operation in which a portion of bone is removed. Yoshiki’s symptoms reappeared at the Visual Japan Summit festival, which was held last October in Japan. By the time he performed in January of this year at New York’s Carnegie Hall, he had already lost the sensation in his left hand. The symptoms worsened this March following the U.K. Wembley performance, but he continued recording. Even in his condition at that state, Yoshiki stated that he wanted to see things through to the end. However, due to the worsening of his symptoms, doctors, determined that if the situation continued he would have gone beyond the point of surgery and recovery.”
「現在の病状を診断したところ、今の首の状態のままではアーティスト生命に支障をきたすばかりか日常生活さえもままならない状況なため、 緊急に手術することを決定しました。MRIとCTスキャンの結果を見る限りでは、ダメージがひどく相当な痛みを伴いながら演奏を続けてきたと想像します。2回目の手術ということで、骨を削る頸椎椎間孔切除という選択肢を外し、今回は人工椎間板置換手術を行います。去年10月に日本で行われたVisual Japan Summitで症状が再発し、今年1月に行われた米カーネギー公演では既に左手の感覚を失っていました。その後3月に行われた英ウェンブリー公演後、症状はさらに悪化しましたがそのままレコーディングを続けていました。本人はこのまま終わりまで続けたいと言っていましたが、症状が深刻化したため、日米のドクターと話し合った結果、このままではアーティストとして再起不能になると判断し手術をする運びとなりました。」トミー・トミザワ, 米YOSHIKI医師
The operation is to be performed on May 16th at a Los Angeles hospital. Unfortunately, the cancellation of all scheduled activity in May could not be avoided. X Japan’s World Tour of Japan We Are X 2017 dates in July, the Yoshiki Premium Dinner Show dates in August and September, as well as yet-to-be-announced dates for the summer world tour that was to start in Los Angeles, are now undergoing rescheduling with his U.S. agency William Morris Endeavor.
手術は5月16日に米ロサンゼルスの病院にて行われる予定 。5月に予定されていたスケジュールは全てキャンセルを余儀なくされますが、7月に予定されている「X JAPAN WORLD TOUR 2017 WE ARE X」、8月から9月にかけて予定されているYOSHIKIプレミアムディナーショー、及びLAを皮切りにスタートする予定であった世界ツアーの予定日なども現在米エージェントのウィリアムモリスと緊急協議中です。
Following YOSHIKI’s operation, a discussion whether to cancel, postpone or move forward as scheduled will be held amongst the agent, promoter and management.
We deeply apologize for the inconvenience this will cause to fans and everyone involved.
Пишет - X JAPAN вчера в 23:21 Сегодня менеджмент #Yoshiki сообщил, что Yoshiki ложится в больницу, 16 мая состоится срочная операция. Из пресс-релиза менеджмента следует, что после долгого совещания с многими врачами, Ёсики будет проведена срочная операция по замене искусственного шейного диска, которая пройдет 16 мая в Лос-Анджелесе.
Как мы все знаем, проблемы со здоровьем начались еще в 2009 году, когда он перенес операцию на шейный отдел позвоночника. В результате загруженного графика, Visual Japan Summit Festival, Yoshiki Classical Special in Japan, Hong-Kong, Carnegie Hall и Wembley Arena он продолжал выступления как с группой так и соло, что нанесло урон как физическому так и психологическому здоровью Ёсики. "Сами симптому появились еще на Visual Japan Summit Festival, но он продолжил выступления - говорит один из Врачей Ёсики - Dr. Tommy Tomizawa, M. D - к выступлению в Карнеги холл он уже утратил чувствительность в левой руке. симптомы ухудшились после выступления на арене Уэмбли, но он продолжил запись. Однако, после ухудшения симптомов, доктора решили, что если ситуация продолжится, то даже хирургическое вмешательство и восстановление будет бесполезно." (с)
Комментарий - Александра Борзенкова к выше представленному посту в группеX JAPAN Все мероприятия, запланированные на май, будут отменены. Кроме того, июльский X JAPAN World Tour 2017, концертные даты «We Are X» в Японии, Yoshiki Premium Dinner Show в августе и сентябре, а также еще не объявленные даты летнего мирового тура, который должен был начаться в Лос-Анджелесе. После операции пройдет собрание агенства, промоутером и менеджмента, на котором пройдет обсуждение стоит ли все это отменить или перенести вперед.
Пресс-служба Yoshiki, барабанщика и пианиста X JAPAN, сообщает, что 16 мая в Лос-Анджелесе музыканту будет проведена срочная операция. Из-за ухудшения состояния шеи было принято решение об операции по замене искусственного шейного диска (первоначальная операция проводилась в 2009 году). Начиная с осени, Yoshiki активно выступал как сольно, так и в составе X JAPAN, принимал участие к кинофестивалях с целью продвижения фильма «WE ARE X». По словам врачей, музыкант все это время, по всей видимости, испытывал невыносимую боль, кроме того, с начала года его левая рука утратила чувствительность. Своевременно проведенная операция даст возможность Yoshiki полностью восстановиться.
Все мероприятия, намеченные на май, отменены. Кроме того, пересматриваются даты выступлений, запланированных в рамках мирового тура X JAPAN (начало которого предполагалось в июле), а также японских концертов коллектива, наряду с датами Yoshiki Premium Dinner Show в августе. Обо всех изменениях в расписании будет сообщено дополнительно.
X JAPAN drummer and pianist YOSHIKI will be undergoing an emergency cervical artificial disc replacement surgery on May 16th in Los Angeles.
All events scheduled for May will be cancelled. In addition, July’s X JAPAN World Tour 2017, "We Are X" concert dates in Japan, the Yoshiki Premium Dinner Show dates in August and September, as well as yet-to-be-announced dates for the summer world tour that was to start in Los Angeles, are now undergoing rescheduling with his US agency William Morris Endeavor.
Following YOSHIKI's operation, a discussion whether to cancel, postpone or move forward as scheduled will be held amongst the agent, promoter and management.
As a result of YOSHIKI’s intense drumming style and its impact on his physical health, he was diagnosed with cervical foraminal stenosis in July 2009, and then underwent a cervical laminectomy and a cervical foraminotomy.
After suffering from a herniated disc that has worsened over the past six months, YOSHIKI has experienced symptoms including numbness and severe paralysis of the left hand and arm, which have since affected his musical performances. Upon receiving a complete examination by his doctors in both Japan and the US, YOSHIKI was diagnosed with cervical foraminal stenosis (radiculopathy of the left arm and herniation of intervertebral disc C5-C6). After thorough consultation, it was decided that YOSHIKI has to undergo surgery at this time.
YOSHIKI has been informed by a neurosurgeon in Japan that his neck has experienced severe damage that would force a professional rugby player to retire. It has been medically determined that he is approaching his limit, both physically and mentally. His intense schedule has taken its toll on his already damaged nervous system. With performances at Visual Japan Summit, Yoshiki Classical Special in Japan, Hong Kong, Carnegie Hall in New York and Wembley Arena in London, he has continued to play around the world with X JAPAN and solo. YOSHIKI's intensive travel schedule to over 20 film festivals globally to promote the documentary "We Are X" also contributed to his health condition.
“I had the pleasure of seeing YOSHIKI, who has a C5-6 disc herniation with left arm radiculopathy. He has been recommended to have a cervical artificial disc replacement,” explains Neel Anand, M.D., YOSHIKI’s Orthopedic Spine surgeon in the US.
Dr. Tommy Tomizawa, M.D., adds, “It was decided upon consultation that he will undergo emergency surgery as the condition of his neck at present will interfere not only with his career as an artist, but also with everyday life. From viewing the results of the MRI and CT scans, the damage is so severe that it is apparent that he has experienced considerable pain while performing. As this would be his second such procedure, we eliminated the option of a cervical foraminotomy, an operation in which a portion of bone is removed. YOSHIKI’s symptoms reappeared at the Visual Japan Summit festival, which was held last October in Japan. By the time he performed in January of this year at New York’s Carnegie Hall, he had already lost the sensation in his left hand. The symptoms worsened this March following the UK Wembley performance, but he continued recording. Even in his condition at that state, YOSHIKI stated that he wanted to see things through to the end. However, due to the worsening of his symptoms, doctors, determined that if the situation continued he would have gone beyond the point of surgery and recovery.”