11 июля на официальном блоге
hide на MySpace Хироши Матсумото опубликовал новый пост
hide Shine in the Sky
~Sending hide’s spirit to the Sky through “Gozan Okuribi”~
hide Shine in the Sky
~Sending hide’s spirit to the Sky through “Gozan Okuribi”~
12 years have passed since hide went to the heaven.
This is the 13th Memorial year.....
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35,000 fans came to “hide the 13th Memorial ceremony” at Tsukiji-hongwanji on May 2nd. There were many fans that also sent hide regards in the form of letters and emails.....
We would like to thank each and every one of you.....
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hide is an artist who was born and grew up in Japan.....
hide is an artist who was proud of being Japanese.....
hide was an artist who tried to bring Japanese music and culture to the world.....
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Kyoto was the capital of Japan 150years ago and it is rich in National Treasures and Important Cultural Assets with many shrines and Buddhist temples.....
Do you know of the Japanese festival “Gozan Okuribi” which is held in Kyoto every year?....
The Bon is a Buddhist festival held to welcome back the spirits of the dead and the spectacular “Gozan Okuribi” bonfires will be lit to see them off on August 16th, the last day of Bon in Kyoto.....
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We would like hide to shine in the sky forever, so would like to send his spirit with the fires of “Gozan Okuribi” in our own style.....
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「What is the Japanese charm that hide wanted to bring to the world?」....
Please try to experience all the different kinds of culture, history and events which you have never seen before during these 2days. Feel the joy and excitement as you participate in this MIX LEMONed JELLY event that hide wanted to produce for the world.....
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In Maruyama Ongakudo a big bamboo tree is waiting for your wishes. For 2 days in August, during the Star Festival you can write your wishes onto strips of paper and then hang them from branches of the bamboo tree.....
We would also like to send hide’s spirit, with our thanks, to the sky whilst watching “Gozan Okuribi” on the night of August 16th.....
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It doesn’t mean that we have to say good-bye to hide, we will always feel connected with hide as Our Pink Spider.....
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We are looking forward to watching the night sky in Kyoto with you this summer.....
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Hiroshi Matsumoto....
All staff from HEADWAX ORGANIZATION ....
~Хиде. Сияние в небесах ~ можно прочитать
здесьЗа перевод благодарим Lemon April с Oresama.ru
x japan
кстати, а идея там в комментах очень даже ничего^^
у меня тож не отображаестся, но по твоей прошла) спасибо))
Спасибо, сейчас исправлю....