But for him, his existence, the very fact that he is living, is like a promise. (с) Gackt
- Концерты X JAPAN на стадионе NISSAN назначены на 14 и 15 августа 2010 года
- Детали - названия концертов и информация о продаже билетов - будут объявлены в ближайшие дни
- X JAPAN выступит на главной сцене Лоллапалузы в Чикаго в последний день (8 августа 2010 года)
- В Лоллапалузе впервые прозвучит новая песня "Born to be free".
- X JAPAN lives at NISSAN Stadium will be held on August 14th and 15th, 2010.
- "Facing toward the night sky of summer and lunches new life of X JAPAN."
- Details of live title and ticket sale day will be announced next few days.
- X JAPAN will perform on Main Stage at Lollapalooza 2010 in Chicago on the last day (August 8th, 2010).
- At Lollapalooza, X JAPAN will perform the long-awaited new tune "Born to be free."
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Yoshiki comes out to the stage with a big grin on his face, the crowd goes wild and erupts in a fury of excited screams. He makes his way across the stage, constantly smiling, and quickly shakes the hands of both of the MCs. In turn the MCs joke with him right off the bat. “You have one fast plane!” one MC jokes with a smile. He tries to continue, struggling to speak over the roaring crowd, to thank Yoshiki for coming, “I think I speak for everyone when I say that we really appreciate having you here. ACEN is very grateful.” Yoshiki seems touched by the welcome he has received and thanks the crowd. During his “thank you” to the fans, someone hurriedly scurries across the stage to hand Yoshiki what appears to be a small plushie of ACEN’s fox mascot. It doesn’t take long for the MCs to quickly begin asking him a few questions.
MC: We’ve got some questions for you that I am sure everybody wants to know about. First and foremost, we do know that in a few weeks here in August from the 6th to the 8th, that you going to be performing at Lollapolooza, right here in Chicago.
Yoshiki: I know, I’m so excited! (big smile, the MCs both laugh and say “Me too!”) Yeah, it’s going to be, like, X-Japan’s first show in the US.
(One of the MCs seemed surprised by this.)
MC: The fourth showing?
Yoshiki: The first. (Nods)
MC: Oh, the first! Wow! That’s really exciting for X-Japan.
Yoshiki: We are performing August 8th.
MC: August 8th is the day you are performing?
Yoshiki: Yes, the second from the last —-??? ( I couldn’t tell what he was saying here.)
MC: Alright! How did it feel to perform as X-Japan after a ten-year break? What are some of your favorite tour stories?
Yoshiki: Well, those ten years were kind of a painful ten years. Yeah so… (small laugh as the crowd “Aww”s.) but because of… (is interrupted by fans screaming “I Love you”s at him. He pauses with a grin.) Well basically, you guys brought us back. You know, so… (Crowd erupts into cheers again as Yoshiki nods and smiles.)
MC: Now we do know, that while you guys were touring in Europe a while ago you unfortunately had to cancel a few of the shows. (Yoshiki props the little fox plushie he was given earlier up on the table next to him as the MC speaks.) Was there a reason behind that or anything you want to tell us?
Yoshiki: Yes, so since we got reunited, um, there are lots of problems like management and everything. (Sounds more sullen as he nods his head.) Yeah so, we are organizing it. I feel so sorry. In some countries, I think, Thailand, South Korea, and France, we had to postpone our shows. Especially France, I think we postponed our shows three times. (Yoshiki holds his hand up with three fingers, still sounding very sullen over the topic at hand. The crowd loudly, “Aww”s again.) Yeah, I know, it sounds very bad! but… (laughs, but in a somewhat exasperated way) I just have to say that it’s one of the main problems that caused that, was you know…(struggles for a moment to find his wording as he points to his neck.) ..my health problem, but we’re fixing it and yeah. So, from the US side, from the August “first show”, we are starting a world tour again. (The MC’s smile and nod, the crowd once again erupts into excited cheers from the fans.)
MC: I am sure all of your fans really appreciate that explanation. (Smiles and laughs a little.) So, at what point in time did you realize that you were famous?
(The entire audience begin to laugh while Yoshiki looks very confused.)
Yoshiki: …I’m sorry?
(The MCs both laugh and try to ask the question again.)
Yoshiki: I….what? (Peeks over at the MC’s notecard.)
MC: When did you realize that you were famous… that you were very popular, that everyone loved you. (Laughs, trying to explain.)
Yoshiki: (Looks incredibly amused) I don’t know… maybe now? (Grins)
MC: Right now?! (Laughs as the crowd cheers as the MCs agree that it’s a good answer.) Now, some people may not know this, but you have actually done production work for the soundtracks for Saw IV and Repo! the genetic opera. (Crowd cheers loudly again.)
Yoshiki: (Big smile) Yes I did.
MC: Now were you approached for that, or did you go to them? How did that come about?
Yoshiki: Okay, I was working on a film called… (mumbles) uh, what’s that.. Catacomb. (People scream in the audience and Yoshiki grins.) Oh, you know that? It’s very scary though! (Laughs along with the MC.) So, I was working on that, then for some reason they liked my music.
MC: For some reason?! (Looks incredulous and laughs.)
Yoshiki: Then I was working on actually… Repo! So yeah, from Catacomb they sent the same team back. I was part of this special team, so they brought me to work on Repo. Then I did SawIV! (Nods with a smile.)
MC: Okay! Well, I’m sure everybody here loves them, both of them. (Points out to the crowd and they cheer once again. Then the MC gets a cheeky smile as he prepares to ask the next question.) How does it feel to have your work touched by Paris Hilton? (Everyone bursts into laughter, Yoshiki chuckles.)
Yoshiki: Well, I have to say that she… she… she is a very hard worker. (The crowd laughs again.) The thing is, they told me to make her more like a punk/rock singer and I was like “hmm”. (Makes a very unamused looking face as everyone laughs. Yoshiki quickly breaks into laughter himself.)
MC: They didn’t make it easy, did they?
Yoshiki: (Still laughing.) I know, but… I tried my best. (Everyone continues to laugh.)
MC: In a hundred years what song would you like to be remembered or be remembered by?
Yoshiki: (Takes a deep breath.) I guess… people will choose. I don’t know, you know… (Someone in the crowd yells out, “All of them!” and the MC point and smile. Yoshiki smiles, but still seems taken aback by the question.) I don’t know…
MC: Okay! Well, we are at an anime convention, so I have to ask. Are you are a fan of anime, manga, any videogames?
Yoshiki: Why not? (Everyone laughs again.)
MC: How do you feel about cosplay?
Yoshiki: I’m sorry…what? (leans forward.)
MC: Cosplay… like…costume play.
Yoshiki: Oh, costume play! I love… I mean… I was doing X-Japan lives in “costume play”. Well, it’s kind of cool because… let’s see, about twenty years ago in Tokyo, right? So, we are doing, you know… (uses his hands to enact each of the following as he lists them off) red hair, spiked hair… and wedding dresses, because we were crazy. And we were the black sheep of the industry and everything, but now it’s spreading throughout the world and that’s so cool! (Smiles and nods.)
MC: Now, this is a unique question that’s for fun, but this one requires a little explanation. Now everyone in the world has a unique, very generic, super-power. For example, I always get the best parking spaces. (points to the other MC) He always knows which way he is pointing. (The other MC points in a direction, grinning, and says “Southwest!” Which Yoshiki chuckles at.) We have a friend that, wherever he goes, stuff breaks. (Everyone laughs.) If you had a choice, what would your superpower be?
Yoshiki: I already have super-powers in me. (Everyone laughs and cheers.)
MC: Well, we are going to move on next, right into the press release. Aright, yes, are we getting the okay? (MCs and Yoshiki peek offstage.) Oh… right here? He’s going to be holding the press release right here, right now! (Crowd erupts into loud excited cheering.) This was going to be closed, but he demanded that he be out in-front of his fans, so we really appreciate it. (Everyone cheers even louder than before.)
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